
When viewing dancewear and costumes on our website size charts will display below the product within the Size Chart tab. However, here is some useful sizing information for each brand. Please be aware that sizing may vary depending on the brand, product and material. With this in mind we suggest that you use this sizing information as a general fitting guide only. 

The following information has been provided to assist you when selecting the right sizes for your costumes; try and avoid placing your orders based on age; you will get a far better fit if you measure your students whilst they are wearing a leotard or similar.

Measuring Tips

Make sure your student is standing straight, looking forward and has a natural posture. Their feet should be directly under their hips with their feet parallel but not touching. 

For the most accurate measurements ask your student to wear a leotard as this will ensure the most accurate measurements. 

Ensure that the student breathes in and out naturally to avoid the tummy sucking in and assure a comfortable fit.

Before you start taking measurements ensure that the flexible measuring tape is lying flat. When taking measurements make sure the measuring tape isn't too tight or too slack. 

The inseam should be where the leotard leg line meets the tights or the top of the leg.

Measuring girth is the most important measurement. If a student is in between sizes, allow girth to be the guiding measurement to make your judgement. 

Measurement Information


Measure from the middle of one shoulder, down through the crotch and back up to the same shoulder.


Measure under the arms and around the fullest part of the bust and across the back. Make sure you take the measurements on the exhale and not the inhale so that the ribcage is relaxed.


Ask the student to bend to one side, where a natural crease forms is where the natural wasit line is. When they stand up straight measure round the front and back of the natural waist.


With feet directly under the hips, measure around the widest part of the hips.

Sizing Guides By Brand
Click on the links to view each sizing chart.